Advanced Tree Recycling

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Advanced Tree Recycling

Our Story


After graduating from college – I lived the family and corporate life for 30 years in Raleigh-Durham, NC. I was surrounded by nice restaurants, stores, etc. But my happy place was the parks.

The traffic got really bad over the years.

I dreamed of moving out to the country and getting some land. Build my own park, like they have in town. A park to live, work, and play in.

Eventually my wife left and both of my daughters graduated college. For the first time in 30 years – I was free to pursue what I wanted to do.

I sold my house in town and was fortunate to find some nice land between Roxboro, NC and South Boston, VA.

Although I consider myself retired – I still work 40+ hours designing and developing large computer systems. I also wanted a hobby to do on nights and weekends. To pursue my interests and passions.

I’ve loved trees, campfires, firewood, and being in the country – since I was a small kid camping and visiting relatives. Although my grandfather and father were both great woodworkers – I didn’t feel finished wood products was my passion. i.e. – I hate sanding.

I love being in forests. Hate to see old, historic, beautiful trees go to landfills. If I can collect big trees that have fallen or been cut down, get a sawmill and saw lumber – I can help, and work with, those that do have a passion for woodworking. And the beauty of those trees live on for many more decades.

Now I have enough land that I can build my own park and trails – like they have in town. Can do my day job and start doing a hobby I really enjoy on nights and weekends. I think it’s every guy’s dream and I’m thankful for being able to live that dream.

Some nights I just want sit out under the stars, grill a nice steak and enjoy a cold beer.

If any of that sounds interesting to you – stop me sometime and say hi. Let’s figure out how we can help each other by working together.

If you want lumber or slabs – I should be able to help.

