Advanced Tree Recycling

Current Equipment

Home / Current Equipment

During Covid – it was very difficult to get equipment. Luckily, more and more equipment is becoming available. We are starting out with bare necessities and will be adding more equipment – depending upon what customers want and need. Please – let us know what products and services you want.


Our current equipment list is:

  • Wood-Mizer LT50 Wide Sawmill
    • 38 HP engine
    • BiMetal industrial blades
    • advanced dual hydraulics – loading, turning, leveling, clamping
    • 34 inch wide cut. 36 inch max log size
    • 21 feet length of cut (45 feet with extensions)
    • 10.5 inch maximum depth of cut (thickness). Can cut single posts and cants up to about 30 inches
    • portable on trailer with electric brakes and fast and precise levelers
    • saws up to 1,000 board feet per hour with a second person helping to load and unload
    • auto board return to outfeed table
  • Kiln that can dry and heat treat lumber and slabs
  • Tractor for material handling
  • Miter Saw – chop saw, cut to length, angled cuts, cut off ends and defects
  • Table saw – rip lengthwise, cut board edges, etc
  • Sanders
  • Planners

We can sell you rough sawn lumber or do some of the finishing for you.